Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Security Apparatus Loves Bigotry

It's such a shame that the bigoted security apparatus doesn't have a 2nd grade understanding of US history or civics.  As everyone else knows, the US Supreme Court unanimously affirmed that states can ban people from voting for belonging to a group that promotes antisocial behavior and beliefs. 

It's a national disgrace that the security apparatus has traditionally hired so many avowed bigots.  It's no wonder that these agencies constantly undermine US national security.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Security Apparatus Hates the Middle Class

When I moved to Montgomery County in 2008, I was struck by how the middle class had largely been driven out and how the morons in Takoma Park drove everywhere.  Well, things have just gotten worse.  From 2005 to 2022, the county added 88,000 low-income residents and lost 26,000 middle class ones, with the middle class shrinking to 18% of the county's population.  Meanwhile, the median household income hasn't kept pace with inflation since 2005, and the county ranked dead last in income growth among 30 countries with similar population across the country.

The security apparatus hates a strong middle class because they know it is the foundation for a strong democracy that opposes their evil.  

Saturday, January 11, 2025

"Former CIA Psychiatrist Testifies to Lasting Brain Trauma from Black Site Interrogations"

The bigoted spooks at the CIA love torturing people to undermine national security.  

"Guantanamo Naval Base, Cuba - a forensic psychiatrist testified this week that a 9/11 defendant's incriminating statements to FBI agents on Guantanamo Bay were the product of fear drilled into him by the CIA during years of prior harsh treatment and isolation....  

Morgan testified, however, that the CIA fear-conditioned al Baluchi into being compliant and that the detainee could not "meaningfully distinguish" between his new interrogators and prior ones.  

"At this point in time, he's already exhibited more than enough symptoms to have PTSD that caused him pain and distress and psychological despair," Morgan testified on Wednesday.  "They are interviewing a person who's been traumatized and a person who suffers from a significant mental illness...."  

Morgan testified this week that, as part of his research work, he began studying the effects of SERE training on participants in the late 1990s.  The data collected over many studies showed conclusively that the stressors in the SERE program led to dramatic impairments of cognition and memory, he said.  Under both direct and cross examinations, Morgan recounted warning Mitchell about using SERE-based methods when he encountered him at a CIA location in 2003.  

"Why in the world would you be creating false memories?" Morgan recounted asking Mitchell.  "Because once you do, it's a rabbit hole.  You can't tell the difference between a true or a false memory."  

Under redirect examination by Pradhan Thursday morning, Morgan also recalled a CIA employee involved in the RDI program expressing concerns to him at his office within the agency several years later.  He said the person was "terrified" and sat in his office "and cried."  

"These people are Nazis," Morgan testified the employee told him.  "I don't know how to get away from them because I'm afraid of what they will do...."

The Security Apparatus Loves Bigotry

The security apparatus, being bigoted morons, loves to project its thoroughgoing bigotry onto saintly types who properly oppose their atrocities.  For example, let us suppose that a neo-Nazi hate group sent tens of thousands of young people out to proclaim that "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was not only an authentic historical document instead of an obvious malevolent fraud but also a divinely inspired work that confirmed that Nazism was God's one true religious and political movement.  Obviously, everyone would properly condemn such action as the most despicable atrocity imaginable and heinous anti-Semitism.  And yet, the incompetent and depraved CIA eagerly hires horrible bigots who have done far worse regarding the indigenous peoples of the Americas.  It's even more disgusting given that plenty of Mormon groups such as the Community of Christ have properly condemned such bigotry and that the US government itself committed genocide against indigenous peoples.

Friday, January 10, 2025

The Security Apparatus Loves Misogyny

I'm sure my mother is ecstatic that women in Utah and Idaho can no longer access basic health care.

"A woman experiencing dangerous bleeding was not admitted by doctors at an Idaho hospital until her fourth emergency room visit in one week, due to fear and confusion over the state's abortion ban, an Idaho doctor said in testimony on Tuesday.  

The "heavily bleeding" patient was told the pregnancy would not survive, but she had not been counseled on abortion, Dr. Julie Lyons, a family physician in Idaho and plaintiff in a lawsuit over the state's abortion bans, said on the stand....  

"I was working with some amazing nurses and we decided as a team that we were going to break our hospital's rules and admit her, even though she wasn't 20 weeks pregnant because I just couldn't send her home again and hope for the best," Lyons said."

Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Charlottesville Episcopal Church Somehow Got Worse

In 1913, Charles Steele Davidson dramatically burned his Episcopal vestments and prayer book at the gates of Monticello to protest the spiritual corruption of the church there -

"I charge that the Episcopal Church is the gentleman's church in general, and in Virginia in particular.  It is powerful financially and socially, stupid intellectually, and spiritually dead.  It needs a change of heart, repentance or utter obliteration.  It favors the rich and the cultured and has no vital interest in the poor and the common.  It either segregates the poor in missions on the back streets or relegates them in churches to the back pews.  In Virginia, the Episcopal Church is a mere relic of the old social feudalism and stands for a dry-rotted conservatism that bars the progress of the kingdom.  Virginia, after her long depression, is aroused and is marching on, but the church is slowly retreating to the citadel of tradition and materialism.  

It is taking up the matter of physical uncleanness and is leaving vile the inner man.  It is wasting time on eugenics and putting no time on soul development."

The Security Apparatus Loves Bigoted Morons

Bruce Jessen, who co-developed the CIA's completely ineffectual and thoroughly unethical torture methods, went to Ricks College, the Mormon junior college in Rexburg, Idaho for LDS kids who couldn't even get into Bigot U.  His contractor company was paid $81 million by the spooks for techniques that acting CIA general counsel John Rizzo described as "sadistic and terrifying."

In 2012, he was called to be a bishop in a Spokane ward through prophetic inspiration.  He stepped down the following week.