Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dachau for Sale

The Central Virginia Training Center, formerly the Virginia State Colony for the Feebleminded and Epileptic, closed in 2020.  None of the local TV stories I've seen online even mention that it was the site of thousands of medical atrocities committed by the commonwealth of Virginia.  On the other hand, they do not lack for Chamber of Commerce boosterism -

"Our region has a unique opportunity,” said Megan Lucas, CEO of the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance. “We can create a vision for this site that can change the future of our region. It is in our hands.”

“Things are great in Amherst County and they’re getting better,” said Dean Rodgers, county administrator."

Apparently, the commonwealth of Virginia has $25 million to pave the way for business redevelopment but never had money to compensate victims of its medical atrocities.

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