Saturday, May 25, 2024

Well, That's a Complicated Legacy!

Paul Lombardo has a complicated legacy.  On one hand, he's exhaustively researched and publicized the history of medical atrocities in Central Virginia.  On the other hand, he was at the University of Virginia from 1990 to 2006 where he directed the Center for Mental Health Law at the Institute of Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy and the Program in Law and Medicine at the Center for Biomedical Ethics.  It was during this time at UVa that I was -

    - beaten and robbed in a stunt involving UVa police and football players such as All-American Anthony Poindexter

    - lured to attend a Med School psychiatry class lecture where Medical Education Dean Randy Canterbury tried to publicly diagnose and shame me with a psychiatric diagnosis that is generally seen in the field as so problematic as to be meaningless and in a manner that was in completely violation of ethical standards for psychiatry

among many other things simply because I was born with strabismus although the diagnosis was never revealed to me at the time.  Was Professor Lombardo complicitous or just ignorant of a similar case of overweening arrogance and medical misconduct at his own institution?  Either way, I'm sure he'll never investigate or publicize these matters. 

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