Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Wow, Randy Really Violates Professional Ethics

Wow, "Randy" Randy Canterbury really violated the professional standards of psychiatry as expressed in the Madrid Declaration on Ethical Standards for Psychiatric Practice.  These standards were adopted by the World Psychiatric Association (granted, their founding president was a torturer for the CIA) in August 1996 so they should have been fresh in his mind.  Among other things, Randy violated the following ethical standards -

3. The patient should be accepted as a partner by right in the therapeutic process. The psychiatrist-patient relationship must be based on mutual trust and respect to allow the patient to make free and informed decisions. It is the duty of psychiatrists to provide the patient with all relevant information so as to empower the patient to come to a rational decision according to personal values and preferences.

5.  When psychiatrists are requested to assess a person, it is their duty first to inform and advise the person being assessed about the purpose of the intervention, the use of the findings, and the possible repercussions of the assessment. This is particularly important when psychiatrists are involved in third party situations.

6.  ... Breach of confidentiality may only be appropriate when required by law (as in obligatory reporting of child abuse) or when serious physical or mental harm to the patient or to a third person would ensue if confidentiality were maintained; whenever possible, psychiatrists should first advise the patient about the action to be taken.

7.  Research that is not conducted in accordance with the canons of science and that is not scientifically valid is unethical.

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